Four tips to overcome NCLEX test anxiety

Hereevent-4 are four techniques we teach students who are preparing to take their NCLEX test.

Prepare – nothing will beat being prepared. Not only the content that will be on the test, but the types of questions that will be on their as well. It is better to have a study plan weeks if not months before the test. Answer as many sample questions as possible. Take some time during your studies to plan on days off – and I know it will be hard but exercise helps as well (to get rid of stress).

Day of the Test – if you have to drive more than an hour to the test location, I recommend finding a hotel room that is close to the test site. As part of the prep you’ll want to drive to the location (if you’re driving) at about the same time you’ll be taking the test.  This will help you figure out traffic patterns etc. Where will you park, do you need money for that? Are their plenty of spots? I recommend not studying the day before / day of the test. You can review flashcards or something simple the day before, but do something fun that day.

Get a good night’s rest. Before you go to bed lay out everything you’ll need for tomorrow. You’ll need comfortable clothes, make sure you have your IDs that you’ll need (more information about that is in a link below) If you’re staying at a hotel, make sure to get a wakeup call, set your alarm on your phone (more than one) and get a family member to give you a call.

Eat something. I know you won’t feel like it, but eat something light.

Arrive at the test center at least a half hour before you’re supposed to. When I took the NCLEX test, I booked a room next door to the testing center so it took me about five minutes to walk from the hotel to the test.

Know the Procedures for the Test – here is a link that tells you exactly what happens at the test center –

– take it one question at a time. Try not to spend too much time on any one question. Next time I’ll have some tips for actually taking the test.

Now go prepare to kick but!

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