Getting back in the Goove

Summer is over and its time to get back to work if you’re in nursing school. For some it is an easy transition, for other’s it isn’t. Here are some tips to help you make this semester better.

  1. Review – this is just a reminder that you’ll be taking a test in a year or two or three and you’ll need to know things you learned in your first semester of nursing. Make a list of topics that you covered last semester. I made it a point to review past topics at least a few hours a week, the last semester I reviewed an hour a day and then spent Sunday afternoons reviewing. Make a schedule. I did flash cards, questions and topics I was having trouble with a did some focus studying on those.
  2. Plan out your day. Seems like a no brainer, but make a schedule and then stick with it. After I received my degree and had a job I continued to get my Bachelor’s degree. I drove quite a bit to get to my classes and during the drive I listened to lectures. Find those times in your schedule and figure out some way to study.
  3. Don’t procrastinate – review the syllabuses for all of your classes. Get a calendar and pin point the days papers are due and you have tests. Then on that calendar put what you need to do before those tests.
  4. I’ve talked about this before. Form a study group, three or four people and make each other accountable. We had a study session all Saturday, every Saturday. We would meet at different homes and the host would have some kind of lunch for us. This fellowship lasted all through nursing school and we worked together for many years.
  5. Don’t give up. You will get tired, stressed. You can do it.

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