What would you like to learn?

Today we take a break from the content to ask you a question.

What would you like for us to post / teach for the next few months? We just finished a series on drugs, so what would you like next. Here are some choices and a survey – if we don’t hear from you then we’ll just start at the top of the list. We created this blog to help you out.

  1. NCLEX questions – there are a ton of NCLEX style questions on the internet. Some of them are good and others aren’t so good. These posts would give links to sites that have NCLEX style questions for you to either do online, or just take a test. We would start at the top of our content list and work our way down.
  2. Body Systems – we’ve went over this before, but we can do it again. Highlight each body system and topic for your test. We would take a couple of days and go over everything we can find about those systems.
  3. Test taking series – how to answer questions on the NCLEX – different question types you’ll find. What to do when you’re taking the test and what not to do.
  4. More about drugs. We talked over the past couple of months about the drugs and their categories – would you like something more in depth… like videos.
  5. Something else – if you chose this response you’ll have to make a comment either here on the blog page or our Facebook page.

Here is the link to the survey.


We’ll leave it up for the next few days and next week we’ll start the new series, whatever it is.

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