Things You’ll Need

In order to take full advantage of our 8 week day by day pass your NCLEX guide you’ll want to make sure you have a couple of things.

  1. You’ll need Saunders the 6th We have tested many different books that help you study for the Kaplan and this one is the best. It is a great book that reviews all the topics you’ll need to know for your NCLEX but it also has thousands of practice questions. All of our tutor students have used those questions to help them pass the NCLEX so I know they work. You can order it here
  2. Purchase our Boot Camp – the DIY version. You can get the boot camp for half off this month $74.50 – you can also use the payment plan if you would like. Use coupon code NOV50THANKS That’s it all of the other things you’ll need we’ll be providing for you during the 8 weeks.

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